Transcendental OTL Remake
   As was promised in the issue, we take another look at the Transcendental OTL amplifier. In light of what we have covered in both this and the last issue, we definitively see opportunities for improvement.
    Some readers might be stunned by the hubris of the last sentence. Do I not realize that the Transcendental OTL is a
Stereophile "Class A" amplifier? How dare anyone presume to improve upon perfection?
   (I am reminded of when I was in elementary school my sixth grade teacher told us the brain teaser about the man who hears a noise outside is home and fears it might be a bear and runs outdoors with his rifle. He follows the tracks and proceeds exactly one mile south, then one mile east, and then one north, where he finds himself back home and sees the bear clawing on his front door. "What color is the bear?" was the question. The answer is white, which a few of us gave. The teacher went on to explain that from
only one point on the earth's surface could one return home after following the man's course and that point was the North Pole. I disagreed by claiming that an infinite number of points existed that met that condition and that these  points define a circle roughly 4 miles in circumference. I told him that any point that fell 1 + 1/(2pi) miles north of the South Pole qualified, as one mile south, then one mile east, and then one mile north from any of these points would bring the man back to his starting point. The teacher was not amused; the rest of the class was not amused. Obviously, I did not understand that the brain teaser was perfect.)

Shown above is resistor decoding page,
which is only one of ten audio related pages.

    Audio Gadgets is software for the technically minded audiophile. The quickest way to understand what Audio Gadgets is all about is to imagine a programmable calculator designed for the audio enthusiast.
    Audio Gadgets does far too much to fit in even a 21" monitor; consequently, the notebook metaphor is used to hold ten pages of audio topics. Stepped attenuators to tube circuits.     


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