Height Control: Low and High
    The ear interprets a fairly narrow boost centering at 8 kHz as a sound source above ear level. Conversely, it hears a dip centering at 8 kHz as a sound source at or below ear level. Implementing this control might require active equalization or at least a reactive network that includes an inductor.

Dynamics Control:
Compressed and Explosive
     I know of no better sonic compressor than a healthy amount of global feedback. (Actually, this control might be better labeled as the "Life Control.") Achieving the contrasting attribute might require positive feedback. Now positive feedback is definitely a dangerous thing, as it leads to oscillation and burnt-out voice coils. Moderating the positive feedback might require a negative feedback loop or a low gain tubes. (I once heard a hotrod Dynaco ST-70 modified by my friend, Lance, that used both positive and negative feedback. The sound was wildly exuberant, so much so that it was likened to the singer, Madonna, as many would love to spend a weekend with her, but none would want to spend a lifetime.)

   I have also found that the amount of idle current can influence the perceived dynamics of the sound, with a low current sounding insubstantial, but dynamic; and a high current sounding solid, but a bit constrained. Possibly, the mechanism lies in the low idle current's working at the bottom of the triode's curve where the increasing transconductance with positive going signals is more pronounced.

The SA-1 makes a great addition to any audio test bench. It can also be a complete preamp solution for audiophile "purists". Consider the advantages of using a Passive Preamp like the SA-1 between your CD/DVD player(s) and your power amplifier(s): The SA-1 adds no distortion to your signal path while performing the major task of most preamps - signal level control. (Active preamps add in at least some distortion.) It uses a precision 24 position stepped attenuator for low noise and excellent channel-to-channel signal level tracking. And it costs a fraction of what an active preamp costs.

Introductory price ends soon!

Arn Roatcap, Inc.
1248 Valerian Court #4              Phone: (408) 737-3920
Sunnyvale, CA 94086-9155      E-mail: info@goldpt.com



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