Since line stages do not usually require 100 volt voltage swings, the power supply can be scaled down by as much as three fold: +/- 100 volts. And since line stages do require a low output impedance, the 5965 can be replaced with a 6BL7, 6BX7, 12B4, 5687, 6922, or 7111. As drawn above, the circuit's gain is almost unity and the output impedance is a low 50 ohms. The maximum output voltage swing is limited to about 30 volts peak in either direction. The maximum Class A peak output current is twice the idle current of the output tubes. In this example, as the idle current is 10 mA, 20 mA would be the maximum output current. If we are willing to abandon Class A for Class AB1, the peak output current will equal 100 volts divided by the sum of the rp of the output tube used and the load impedance being driven: Ipeak = Vb / (rp + Rload). Given a 6DJ8 and 600 ohm load, the maximum peak output current is about 25 mA's. If we are willing to drive it into Class AB2 operation, the 6DJ8 is capable of even greater peak output current. The input to this buffer is capacitor coupled to allow dividing the voltage potentials correctly for the Split Load phase splitter.