important to the listener. If an amplifier is good sounding and reliable, who but the status monger cares if it is Class A or Class AB? Second, do remember that all manufactures fluff their ads, only some do so egregiously. But really, my guess is that you already own such an amplifier and that you are irked by the disrespect being paid to it. If my guess is right and you do own such an amplifier, then you are in luck, as you can test the amplifier yourself, assuming you are technically trained to deal with lethal voltages, and determine the truth for yourself. At the plate of each 6AS7 triode, you will probably find a 1 ohm resistor. If the resistor is not there, one will have to be wired in place on only one triode. (This resistor will make an insignificant difference to the total performance of the amplifier, as its value is effectively reduced by the number of triodes being used in the output stage and then further by the mu of the tube plus 1.) Hook up an 8 ohm dummy load to the output of the amplifier and attach a sine wave generator to the input. Now, hook up a hand held oscilloscope across the 1 ohm resistor, which will allow for safe and accurate measuring of the current through this resistor. If a hand held oscilloscope is not available, then a high quality transformer (actually, a cheap isolation transformer can be used if the sine wave is limited to no more than say 200 hertz) can be used to couple the signal to a bench top oscilloscope. The sine wave generator's output is increased until the full output is achieved.