Wait a minute, hasn't this been done before?

   Yes,  hundreds of times.

   Well, why did the Patent Office issue a patent in spite of a huge body of preexisting art?

  Surely, the cynical answer is the only answer. Recently, I read where a fellow from a bio-tech firm pointed out that in the whole world only seven people understood what he and his firm was doing, and not one of those seven worked at the Patent Office. Do not forget, Albert Einstein no longer works for the Patent Office.

Why are you only picking on the companies that make OTL amplifiers and not companies that make transformer coupled amplifiers?

   Do not worry, I will.  Here is an example of bad math advertising: an SE output transformer is advertised as being able to sustain no more than a maximum 100 mA of idle current and it has a reflected impedance of 2500 ohms. AND IT PUTS OUT 30 WATTS OF POWER.

   If the full idle current is delivered into the 2500 ohms, the maximum amount of power would be 12.5 watts. Why did they lie? Or do they know that they misrepresent their product? My guess is the transformer is the same size as used in the Dynaco ST-70 and they do not know the math evolved.
   Here is another example, recently I read in Stereophile that the KR 2A3 is capable of putting out not the usual 2-4 watts of SE power, but 30 watts! Wow, does this 2A3 really have a plate dissipation of 150 watts? Or even a plate dissipation of 60 watts and a rp of zero ohms? Remember the theoretical limits efficiency for Class A operation.

    The last words, I guess, when reading any advertising copy are that every mother's child is beautiful and the laws of physics are not enforced on Madison Avenue.



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