Five would be a good number for two reasons: it would yield a good number of usable watts of output and an SE amplifier with 5 output tubes could never be confused with a push-pull design. Additionally, the Miller Effect capacitance will become more of an issue with more parallel triodes used. The next question then is: Which output transformer to use? Depending on the B+ voltage, a primary impedance in the range of 1500 to 2500 ohms should work well. Audio Note, Bartolucci, Electra Print, One Electron, SJS, Sowter, Tamura, Tango--all make excellent SE transformers in this range. Understand that low impedance output transformers require more idle current than high impedance transformers and less voltage than high impedance transformers. Therefore, while the power supply can be lower in voltage than usual, the average amount of current it must be able to source will be much higher than usual. In other words, a beefy power transformer is still required. Higher current, usually, is not a problem with solid-state diodes, but it can be a sore spot with tube rectifiers. Still, I believe it is the better compromise, as lower voltage (still