Lookup Database

Above, the editable lookup database for IC data is shown. Lookup databases are also available for diodes, transistors (FETs, MOSFETs, and MESFETs), and, of course, vacuum tubes.

User-Defined Databases

Adding or selecting a user-defined databases is easy enough. The "User-Defined Databases" dialog box allows quick selection of existing user defined databases and the creation of a new collection database. The new databases all share the same basic structure with the predefined databases, with the following fields:

·          Name

·          Number

·          Brand

·          Condition

·          Group

·          Style

·          Location

·          Cost per

·          Price Paid

·          Total Value

·          Status

·          Comments

Print Preview

At right is a screen capture of the "Print Preview" window, which shows you what your collection will look like when printed.







The program is available now at our Yahoo store. Sale price ends on February 1, 2002. GlassWare Yahoo! store

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